Day 6: Journey to wealth creation and humble life | & Excel Template | x to 1000x

Day 6: Journey to wealth creation and humble life | & Excel Template | x to 1000x

Phewww! What a day it was today. I didn't invest anything yet, but have been continuously spending about 2-3 hours daily to understand how to do value investing in Indian stock market. I have been reading Dr. Vijay Malik's fundamental analysis concepts as well as his company analysis free ebooks.

But some of the calculation were bit confusing for me, as I have got no background knowledge about Accounting and its jargon. One of the important concept mentioned in those books and articles by Dr. Vijay was about Self-Sustainable Growth Rate (SSGR)

SSGR Calculation

SSGR = [NFAT x NPM x (1-DPR%)] - DEP%

Now, it was easy to understand the calculation, however, trying to do myself picking the numbers from the stock balance sheet, it confused the hell out of me.

I kept looking online, and in one of the blog, I found a person has shared an excel along with the calculation. Trust me, I never felt so good about it. If you keep reading, and putting effort somehow you'll get the answers to your questions.

I tried to use that as an example and successfully was able to do the SSGR calculations on the following stocks. However I had to do each calculation manually for all these stocks and each effort was about 10-15 minutes. So basically to evaluate 6 stocks it will take me 1 hour atleast.

  1. Shreyans Industries

  2. Jupiter Life Line Hospitals

  3. Relaxo

Then another question hit me, what if I have to analyse 20-30 or even more stocks. Is there a way to automate this. Let me tell you, I am an average Python programmer and work in the AI field, so my first instinct is to go and develop a Python application and automate this. But this was the mistake I have been doing for last 4-5 years. I over-complicate things. But problem statement was always simple find few good stocks, invest in them and get a good return. What I instead focussed on was building a SaaS application to automate the calculation and what not! How stupid of me! And I lost couple of years doing such stupidity!

Okay, finally in the evening when I got back from the office, I downloaded another excel spreadsheet from SafalNiveshak forum. And in the instruction sheet of that excel, made my day! It said, just upload your template to and going forward whenever you download a stock's excel template, it will download and automatically do the calculations that were in my excel template! Can you believe that?
It made things simple. Do the calculations once, and upload it in and voila!! all new stocks excel will have the same calculations

That's all for today!